My New Business Venture package can make launching
your new business venture
& earn you
What you are really worth
Coaching and Counselling Sessions are available at this time via phone or zoom to help prevent the spread of Corona Virus
Honour your passion, follow your dreams and do it wisely.
It isn’t easy – but
it. is. worth. it.
Are you:
- Excited about getting out there into the market place but, don’t really know where to start?
- Already trying to work with clients or customers but, you are not making enough money to live how you want or to thrive?
- Working with customers but, not charging your worth or struggling with the ‘how much to charge’ aspect of the business?
- Wondering how other people in the industry are able to make it work and charge such good fees for their service?
- Procrastinating, for fear of failure or what others may think of you, and what if it doesn’t work, what about the judgement?
- Have a burning calling to add value and shine brightly in your industry?
- Doubting your worth and wonder how others hit that magic 6 figure mark?
I have asked myself all of those questions and I have made all of the mistakes a new business venture tends to make, AND I am here to share my learnings with you
What I learned was:
- How to stand out in a busy market place with grace and confidence
- How to be in control and have a clear direction
- How to identify what your special expertise is and how to package that up
- How to create your own niche and how charge well for it
- How to structure a healthy biz model with software and systems to free your time up

Working for other people, never ever resonated for me, but, I am grateful for all of the key learnings I can extract from those experiences. I put up with working in un stimulating environments because, I was living out a crappy money story, which is one of the subjects we tackle in this coaching package.
Starting my own biz was great at first, but the crappy internal money story really acted like a ceiling for my success.
So, determined to succeed in a better way, I did some work on my own self concept and then set out to observe my industry role models. I knew I was just as good and I needed to find a way to package my expertise so my ideal clients could see me, trust me and easily get onboard with my products.
This is a POWERFUL coaching package and is a collection of all of my best tools and knowledge.
When you are profoundly aware of what makes you tick, what holds you back, what your ideal vision for the future is and what your on-purpose goals are, you have a much greater chance at crafting, delivering, enjoying and succeeding with your new business venture.
As your ‘GO TO’ Mindset Coach, my goal is to help YOU become a CEO, the CEO that your biz needs you to be. Then we take your CEO EXPERTISE and attract your ideal customers over and over again.
Roslyn’s Clients have experienced:
- Through articulating their VISION STATEMENT, one client grew from a solo operator charging $500 per website biz model, to having 3 on staff as well as outsourcing and multiplying biz fees to $5000 – $30,000 per website.
- Another client worked on improving their SELF WORTH STORY. They started out with a dream to become a recognised author, despite unrecognised self imposed ceilings, and ended up becoming the voice of their country community. They went on to published several books and is now a well respected SUCCESSFUL PUBLISHED AUTHOR.
- After working out their ON PURPOSE GOALS another client was able to create a strong character and a comedy routine that allowed him to leave a six figure income to pursue a lucrative career in the arts.
- Through the MY NEW BIZ VENTURE Coaching package, another client expanded their very successful marketing biz and developed a new packet of online services that leverage time and generates a passive income stream.
A snap shot of what MY NEW BIZ VENTURE shares
when you up level your mindset, you will up-levell your biz results
A reflective audit of your personal universe
Topics include:
Finance, Career, Relationships, Future, Hobbies, Social, Family
Creating your ‘on purpose’ Vision Statement
Eliminating self imposed money blocks
Tapping into your Inner Guidance system
Strategically Crafting Your Targeted Service Offering
Take a holistic, whole person approach to your BIZ and ensure your BEST CHANCE AT BIZ SUCCESS and PERSONAL FULFILLMENT
online eCoaching Package
Self paced online version
- 6 strategically designed coaching modules
- Easy to follow templates for growth and knowledge sharing
- Biz guidance & mindset bonuses
- Access to closed group eCoaching Facebook community
- a money back guarantee
Normally $579 but today ONLY AUS $279
My New Biz Venture
This is a stand alone program when it comes to approaching your BIZ
Covering ALL ELEMENTS that effect and impact how you show up in the market place
How YOU perceive YOU, How YOUR IDEAL MARKET perceives you
How you tap into all of your powerful internal and external resources and includes:
Private FB Group
Live Chat
Online Members Portal
Take a holistic, whole person approach to your BIZ and ensure your BEST CHANCE AT BIZ SUCCESS and PERSONAL FULFILLMENT
online eCoaching Package
Self paced online version
- 6 strategically designed coaching modules
- Easy to follow templates for growth and knowledge sharing
- Biz guidance & mindset bonuses
- Access to closed group eCoaching Facebook community
- A money back guarantee
Normally $579 but today ONLY AUS $279
frequently asked questions
How does this coaching package actually work?
How is the content delivered?
If you are doing a coaching package face to face. You will be supplied with a folder containing all of the relevant information including some special gifts. Each time we catch up, you will be handed a new module to take a sneak peak through before we catch up again to go through the module together.
If you are doing a coaching package via skype. You will receive access to the online portal as well as catching up with Roslyn for your face to face sessions.
How long does this package take to complete?
We do highly encourage you to work on the package weekly to keep yourself in the habit, in the zone and getting the value out of the information.
Ideally doing one module per week or per fortnight is a good guide for you.
Will I have access to you?
If you are doing the coaching package online. You have access to our HELP HUB on the website plus you have access to the private FACE BOOK group.
What if I get started and realise, it's not really for me?
How this works is, if you have gotten through to the end of second module of your package and you figure by then, this is not for you, all we ask is that you send us your completed worksheets to show that you really have given it a go.
If you really have given it a go and you still believe it is not right for you, then we absolutely will refund 100% the cost of the coaching package you selected.
Keep in mind, the modules all really fit together to make up all the pieces of a jigsaw, so, it would be a shame not to back yourself to get to the very end of the last module, just to let all of the information come together to complete the full picture. As a suggestion, if need be, put the coaching package aside for now, if it’s bad timing and come back at a later date, when you feel the timing is better suited to this transformational process.