Lesson 4

Lesson 4 Free Course - Discover what your ideal client wants and will pay for

Lesson 4 Free Course Discover what your ideal client wants and will pay for

  • Your email address
  • Would you work with and pay for 'you' as a premium service provider? Explain why you answered yes or no?
  • If you were to select 3 areas/skills that you are strongest in, that you could be classed as the expert in, what are they and what type of pain is your ideal client in that these skills will help solve?
  • Write out the succinct sentence that describes the clients outcomes once these pain points have been solved? eg. Heal back pain with one simple remedy or eg. Buy your 1st investment property on less than $50k per year income.
  • What are you not doing now that you need to be doing in order to present and charge as premium in your service?