This powerful method is totally transformational

The ‘Spiral’ Emotional Clearing Process


Release Hidden Patterns
& Unleash Your Unique Potentials

Dissolve Upper Limit Ceilings







Are you:

  • A professional women looking to increase your confidence, and accelerate your career

  • Looking to completely transform

  • Ready to release the subconscious patterns that are holding you back from your potential, purpose and success
  • Ready to attract your soul-aligned career, love and life
  • Convinced you are worth more than what you are earning
  • Trying to get to the next level in your life and career/business
  • Open to new techniques of tapping into ‘your’ magic

I have in the past said YES to all of those questions.  I have busted my arse trying to earn good money, up-level, find balance, feel good enough and have fun.  BUT, I never really nailed it.  I kept hitting this ceiling!

 What I’ve learned is:

  • you have to release the inner programming that is out of alignment with your goals
  • you have to release stories that you are being controlled by and yet you are not aware you are running them in the background
  • you have to unlearn where your ceilings are
  • you have to be 100% ready and committed to letting go of what is not serving your highest good
  • you have to embark on a process that will release the real you from behind the patterns 


Since experiencing the Spiral Process for myself, I feel I’m a completely different person.  Liberated, happier, more professional, closer to my husband and to my family.  I feel like a 10 x better coach.  And I have tripled my income.

I see myself in a way that I never could previous to doing the 7 stage release process.

I am more attuned to my worth and to my unique nature which means there is a total absence of feeling or fearing judgment or feeling not quite enough in any of my endeavours.

I feel so much more connected with the core of who I am and this is a very empowering place with power and confidence, happiness, direction and magic to be honest.

As your SPIRAL PRACTITIONER Emotional Clearing Coach, my magic and commitment is YOUR TRANSFORMATION.


Book A Breakthrough Call

What is a Breakthrough call

  • a structured conversation exploring what is working well and what are areas of concern
  • insights into patterns you may be running and the effects they have
  • guidance as to how to release what is not serving you


Clients have experienced:

  • “I just wanted to let you know that I feel so good after our last session on love.
    I hear the saying ‘ you have to love yourself first before you can be loved’.  But I never really understood what it meant.
    I always wished to find a partner who truly loved me for me. After doing our last session on love, which for me was a lot about romantic love, you helped me understand my relationship with love and what blocks me from finding it.
    Now that you have taken that block away I feel confident and strong.  There is much more I could say.
    You have helped me to respect myself.”
  • “I had to share with you this state I’m in.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
    It’s probably the most content, happy, chill, peaceful, present I’ve ever felt in my life. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
    I’m super aware of the emotions that come up, I’m able to observe them without getting pulled into them. I can feel them in my body, which is something I can’t recall ever feeling. I felt drawn to read the power of now and it’s making so much sense to me! I’ve read it before and I’ve meditated a lot but I didn’t really grasp the concepts until now.”⠀⠀⠀
  • “I think I cracked it! Once I started, I couldn’t stop and it didn’t feel made up or like I was forcing it. It was effortless and easy and felt true”.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
    The voice of a beautiful soul who has just moved through level 3 of the Spiral Process. Me, My will, My individuality, My personal power.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
    What can happen when you clear out old programs and latent or covert stories and loops?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
    This is what can happen in the space of 24 hours…⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
    “I also had 10 x more traction on my business just this morning when I was feeling inspired. I was able to write down what kind of business I wanted to create, the values I want to instil, and the long term vision. It’s just a lot clearer. I was really struggling with it and always found myself looking at other similar businesses and copying their mission etc.”⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
    “It’s an amazing feeling and I’m excited to follow the path of my desires and see where it takes me!”⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


How does the Spiral Process Work?

The Spiral is delivered over 7 sessions – followed by a final integration session.

The Spiral & Clearing differs from some other methods in that it can be a deeply unconscious, and energetic change, so there may not be obvious changes that take place within the session that the client is consciously aware of.

What’s most important are the changes that take place AFTER the session, as the unconscious shifts integrate into choices and behaviour.

For some people, there are noticeable shifts straight away, for others the shifts are revealed over time and in specific situations.

The areas you will be guided through are as follows:


  • Level One:​ Deserving; Releasing SHAME and increasing SELF-WORTH.
  • Level Two:​ Creativity; Releasing FEAR and increasing PROACTIVITY.
  • Level Three:​ Power; Releasing ANGER and increasing SELF CONFIDENCE.
  • Level Four:​ Openness; Releasing WOUNDS OF THE HEART and increasing LOVE.
  • Level Five:​ Expression; Releasing LOW SELF-ESTEEM and increasing EXPRESSION.
  • Level Six:​ Vision; Releasing OLD VIEWS and increasing CLARITY.
  • Level Seven:​ Purpose; Aligning to your HIGHER PURPOSE and DIVINITY.


“The Spiral” is a potent combination of …

– The psychological development models of Spiral Dynamics to track consciousness growth in individuals and groups.

– The embodiment practice and ancient wisdom of the Chakra system for manifestation and ascension.

– Kinesiology muscle testing to access information from the unconscious mind clearly and quickly.

– David Hawkins Scale of Consciousness (Power vs Force) for convincer measures and as a clearing map for accelerated evolution of consciousness.

– Chinese Meridian points and 5 elements to locate and clear stored emotion in the body. – Hypnotic induction questions to presuppose and embed change.

– Neurological Levels of Change and purpose-based clearing to create more profound transformation from NLP.

– Gestalt based “root clearing” beliefs and emotions.

Supercharge Your Manifesting Powers

  • You may have tried to create change in the past by changing your thinking (with coaching, affirmations, visualisations, etc) with little or no success.
  • Unlike other processes that focus on removing blocks on a mental level, The Spiral goes into the body’s energy field and releases emotional blocks that are held in the body.
  • As you free up your emotional body, you, in turn, free up your ability to start living the life you want.

Clear Your Emotional Patterns

  • Be instantly free of negative beliefs and emotions
  • Quickly break bad habits – permanently
  • Dramatically raise your sense of self-worth, life purpose and direction.
  • Open your heart to deeper self-love and greater intimacy with others as a result.
  • Step into the courage to fully express your creative and business dreams.

Strategically Crafting New Blueprints

  • Let go of the negative blueprints from your childhood and start consciously creating the life you want.
  • The Spiral is for anyone who feels they have unconscious conditioning or baggage holding them back that they haven’t yet been able to get rid of.

Let go of the negative blueprints from your childhood and start consciously creating the life you want












Take a holistic, whole-person approach to your whole life and  BIZ and ensure your BEST CHANCE AT SUCCESS and PERSONAL FULFILLMENT

Book A Breakthrough Call

What is a Breakthrough call

  • a structured conversation exploring what is working well and what are areas of concern
  • insights into patterns you may be running and the effects they have
  • guidance as to how to release what is not serving you


“Ros helped my belief in my own value, belief in my capacity and right to succeed, and the successes that have resulted. It was amazing and I credit my success to my coaching from Ros who helped me to identify my dreams, refine them, then go and get them”

“Ros helped my belief in my own value, belief in my capacity and right to succeed, and the successes that have resulted. It was amazing and I credit my success to my coaching from Ros who helped me to identify my dreams, refine them, then go and get them”

“Ros helped my belief in my own value, belief in my capacity and right to succeed, and the successes that have resulted. It was amazing and I credit my success to my coaching from Ros who helped me to identify my dreams, refine them, then go and get them”