Chronic People Pleasing Syndrome

Chronic People Pleasing Syndrome
If you’ve been feeling insecure or pressured in your role, highly anxious, maybe seeking solace in wine, short tempered with your family, avoiding social events and feeling exhausted by this cycle, I’ve got something to help you.
To be a success, too many women think they have to be some kind of super-human in their role and their way of being ‘good enough’ is to do it all, make it perfect, play by someone else’s rules, be competitive or sell their soul in some way..
But honestly, this couldn’t be further from the truth.
Recently I was talking with a friend of mine who was exhausted mentally and physically and had started dreading going to work.
She needed wine to unwind and would hit the pillow soon after dinner.
She woke up lackluster.
She dreaded driving into work.
On top of all of this, she couldn’t bend over backwards enough for her kids. She was doing everything for them and paying for everything.
Despite putting on a brave face, things were pretty joyless and she had really gotten into a cycle that was depleting her life energy and her spirit. No sex either!
She started skipping lunch breaks and taking work home.
She socially isolated to try and regain some energy on her weekends.
None of that worked to improve her energy or how she was feeling in her role.
When she came to me for some help, she had even started taking antidepressants.
Loads of good women are feeling like this.
Depleted, stuck in a momentum, feeling like they are a bit powerless to change things.
But, in their heart, they want more!
And, if they are a bit honest with themself, they want way more!
But there’s fear.
Loads of great women actually don’t realise they are running patterns of chronic people pleasing syndrome.
This is not as easy to detect in yourself as it sounds.
Most women don’t actually realise they have this and it’s holding them apart from their true genius.
Once we identified the chronic people pleasing in my friend and we cleared some of the fears she was running in the background she completely turned her situation around.
She unleashed her confidence and energy and is feeling inspired, empowered and like a super valued member of the team.
There are 3 major causes for ‘chronic people pleasing’ holding you apart from your deep wells of true genius..
Comment below and I’ll scoot them to you.