My Best Self Journal Month 2 Week 3 PROCRASTINATION

In the spirit of your best self and your best life and unravelling the nuances that are within you let’s target: The mysterious


When do you notice this show up for you?

What does it cost you?

What part of a cycle does it belong to?

What is your relationship with procrastination?

Grab your My Best Self Journal, check your intentions for why you started working with this journal and then flip to month 2, week 3 and lean right into your deepest truths at this stage of the reflect and release journey.
Remember to always hold yourself with softness and exercise curiosity to move away from old habits of limiting self beliefs and harsh self judgments.
Leave your breakthroughs, questions or comments so I can be of support.

Sending big encouragement and big love for your best self and your best life.