Star Of Confidence Program

Star Of Confidence Program

What others say about life coaching

What was your main reason or catalyst for reaching out for some coaching? Your pain points or your frustrations or your motivation for change? *

I contacted you for coaching because I felt incredibly stuck in my life. I knew I wanted better and different but I didn’t know how to make a change, or even what needed to shift in order for me to feel differently.

Can you try to describe what you thought the coaching might be like or what your expectations were before you started? Perhaps what you thought you might have been about to achieve via coaching? *

I have had counselling (a lot of counselling) in my lifetime and I guess I thought it would be similar to the counselling work I have done. You know, working through issues find helpful solutions.

Over time, how might life be different for you now that you have had some coaching? *

Just in the short time I have known you Ros and since I started really working the program my life is incredibly different because I am aware of the stories that I had on auto-repeat that were holding me in this cycle of unhappiness. I am aware that I am as powerful as I allow myself to be, or as powerless which left me feeling miserable. The coaching has allowed me to take my power by the reigns, rewrite my story and be accountable for my existence and the happiness I am creating for myself.

What surprised you about the coaching program or the coaching process? What did you achieve or cover that you did not expect to? *

The big surprise for me was how powerful the self-reflection work was and how much value I got from each of the activities. I think this was due to the fact that before I commenced coaching I didn’t think much of me and hence I was always looking for external sources of validation and outsiders to tell me that I was on the right path etc… The activities that were worked in to each of the modules and the individual sessions with you Ros helped to build on my insights and were incredibly beneficial. I guess my biggest achievement was the realisation that I was powerful and that I matter and that I was capable of doing the work. I didn’t expect to uncover so much about how my negative thought patterns were holding me back but by golly I am glad I did!!

What would you say to someone who may be similar to yourself to encourage them to consider doing this program or getting some coaching with Roslyn? *

I would recommend anyone looking into coaching with you Ros because regardless of where we are in our lives I feel that your coaching and programs offer people something to really take the next step, to move them forward, to empower them to be their best self irrespective of how broken or together they feel they are. You really have a very special gift that you are sharing with individuals that are lucky enough to reach out to you.

What suggestions do you have to improve the program or the coaching process? What might have been more effective for you in particular? *

I really loved the program, the online modules, check-ins and appointments really worked for me. I am trying to think of some constructive feedback but I don’t actually have any. You were always responsive and super timely in your responses, I always felt that I was a valued client and it was an incredibly positive experience for me. Even when it was tough, you were able to support me through and I was able to grow stronger.

What would you say about the value exchange? Do you feel like what you experienced and what you gained via the program was worth what you paid to do the program? *

I think that what we got (two for the price of one) was incredibly generous and I feel extremely blessed to have been able to work through the program with my husband as well. What I gained from your program and coaching Ros was priceless and it really is the best money I have ever spent. You are amazing at what you do. Thank you for everything. I’ll be in touch to set up more coaching down the track because I’m hooked on creating my amazing you-niverse the best darn universe it can be

#starofconfidence #self-confidence #RoslynLoxtonCoaching #mindsetcoachbrisbane #counsellingbrisbane #personal-development #self-awareness #emotionalhealing