Is EQ the next skills gap?

Is EQ the next skills gap?

Our level of EQ is affecting every square inch of our life maps. If someone were to ask, would you prefer to keep your EQ or your IQ, you would need to ask yourself, do I want a life of connection and love and community? Or do I want a life of missions, tasks and...
TIPS to manage an unhelpful mindset

TIPS to manage an unhelpful mindset

Today I would like to share with you, some tips and tools from a mindset technique called Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or CBT for short. CBT is about understanding your thinking and your thoughts and your subsequent behaviour that is associated with your thoughts. We...
Reducing Anxiety

Reducing Anxiety

The tool of perspective for reducing anxiety. This is a coping tool by reducing anxiety and stress. It is a tool that will also, when used over and over again, help to reprogram your brain’s propensity for hope and optimism and reduce the brains propensity for...
The secret about FEAR

The secret about FEAR

The self limiting… ‘WHAT IF’ fear. What if I do transform? What if I step into my full potential and my truth and my on purpose life? What if I do stand out or shine? These types of statements are grounded in FEAR.  FEAR OF SUCCESS or FEAR OF...
HELP!  I’m Motivationally Challenged.

HELP! I’m Motivationally Challenged.

There are definitely many reasons that can attribute to why we feel like our motivation has left the building. Here are a few you may relate to and you or someone you care about may be tucking in to one or all of these. Lack of goals – leaves us feeling lost or...