Why Communication Is So Hard

Why Communication Is So Hard

First, some perspectives and elements to consider: What is at stake – this rumbles underneath communication and often subconsciously What are my values – this is often not acknowledged or articulated or understood What does conflict mean to me –...
HELP!  I’m Motivationally Challenged.

HELP! I’m Motivationally Challenged.

There are definitely many reasons that can attribute to why we feel like our motivation has left the building. Here are a few you may relate to and you or someone you care about may be tucking in to one or all of these. Lack of goals – leaves us feeling lost or...
Resolving Conflict

Resolving Conflict

It would be an ideal world if we could see conflict as, a need to try and understand one another better than our current level of understanding.  As opposed to, assuming you need to make the other person completely wrong. “Whenever you’re in conflict with someone,...